1 Chronicles 16:24 Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does. Wow, this is such a timely word for me, considering the journey I'm currently in. God is a faithful Father, who is true to His word. Numbers 23:19 tells us that He is not a man that He should lie and that what He says, shall be. Furthermore, God informs us of things to come, through various platforms and through different servants of His. It is up to us to receive the word, believe and wait for it to come to pass, or to just disregard it. I have learned that God is able to speak to me through His servants that could be talking to a number of people, but that He is able to speak exactly to my situation. So, for me, it is time that I make His glorious deeds known. I believe what God told me, is manifesting faster than I can even keep up with. One of them is the grace God has shown me through the selection into the Mrs South Africa programme, this has not been my doing but...
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