Call to Him too

Today as I was driving from Mpumalanga, in the stormy rain, I was just hanging in there. I persevered, then one moment, it felt as if the car skidding in the puddle of water; I felt as though I was losing control of the car. At that moment, I made a small prayer and I started rebuking the storm, calling for calm. Amazingly, about a kilometer or so, the rain started to subside, clearing already.

This reminded me that God has given us the power in our tongue. That we need not have to get shaken by the situations we encounter but to call on Him and call forth that which we require, as He has given us the power. This is just a reminder that our tongues have the power. Proverbs 18:21 says: "The tongue has the power of life and death." Best use it wise, call forth victory, healing, success, advancement, strength, life. Never utter a negative word or a curse. Be a blessing.


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