We form part of Christ's body

Have you ever wondered why as humans we are so different from one another, when it comes to our strengths, our talents, gifts and abilities? I found a profound answer in the book of 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 where the bible makes it clear that we form part of Christ's body. Similar to the human body, that has various body parts that each performs different functions, so are we.

God made us different with a special focus and gifting that is meant to enable the entire body of Christ to function well. No body part is more important than the other, but are all equally important in the function they are meant to fulfill.

In this way, each body part is meant to perform its function, failure to do so, the body will suffer. This is emphasized in verse 26 that if one body part suffers, the entire body suffers with it too. Thus, it is in the best interest of all body parts to be aware of the role they play, and perform accordingly. Where there's lack or inability to do so, intervention is needed to bring back the part that suffers to it's desired state.

Therefore, as human beings, may we recognize which role we've been ordained to play and do just that. Be curious of who you are and what gifts and talents you've been blessed with and use them. They are meant to be a blessing to others.


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