Prayer has the power to change things

 Dear God Heavenly Father,

We would like to acknowledge you and lift your name up high. We recognize Your hand upon us, in every life's situation. We thank you for your unconditional and never-ending love. For you loved us whilst we were still sinners. We thank you for your compassion, kindness and faithfulness towards us. We are, because of you.

Thank you for the shield you continue providing for us, the strength you give us, the peace we have even when going through the storm. We thank you for the great plans you have for us, plans to prosper us and give us hope. Thank you for working all things out for our good, taking all our broken areas, our mistakes, our disappointments, our successes and failures, our fears and victories and mending them to make something good, something pleasing. 

We ask for your wisdom Father, in every area of our lives, may we be good stewards of every resource you give us; to also be blessings to others. Guide us on the path that is pleasing to you. Use us Father for your will and glory, we present our selves as living sacrifices, to be your hands and feet, for the sake of your kingdom. May your will be done in and through our lives. In Jesus mighty name, Amen!


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