Vengeance is the Lord's

When the grace of God is upon you, everything you do, will bear fruits. An example is the story we learn about Daniel, who was faithful and loved God very much (Daniel 6). He was chosen to be one of the supervisors of the governors and was being considered to be put in charge of the whole empire as a result of his outstanding work. This is evident in Daniel 6:3 "Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom." Eventhough this led to resentment from the other supervisors and governors who then looked for something to trap him with and his faith became an easy target. 

They then told the king to release an order to everyone that for 30 days, no one should ask anything from their gods except the king, with the person violating this, be put into a lion's den. The king agreed and set that out and Daniel faithful as he was to God, he continued to pray to God 3 times per day and the other governors heard him and ran to the king to tell him about what Daniel had done. The king was furious and gave orders to put Daniel in the pit with lions and said in verse 16 "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!” The bible tells us in verse 18 and 19 that the king could not sleep as he was thinking of Daniel; at dawn, he went to check on Daniel to see if his God was able to rescue him and he was overjoyed to discover that indeed He had saved him. Daniel gave a polite yet powerful statement in response to the king and said: "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty.” The king gave instructions for his release and for those that accused him falsely, to be arrested and thrown into the pit with their families where they were killed by the lions. The king then sent out a command to all people to fear and respect the God of Daniel as He performs wonders and miracles. Daniel prospered during the reign of king Darius.

The lessons we get from this story is that when the hand of God is upon your life, you will prosper more than your counter-parts and this, in most case results to jealousy. Plots can be formed, back-stabbing, lies and all sorts of schemes, to bring you down. However, the Lord will always be with you, He is able to close the mouths of lions and let you live; He's able to let the truth come out in its own way. When this happens, the enemies will be shamed and punished on your behalf. Remember the Lord says vengeance is His. Romans 12:19 which says we must not avenge ourselves but leave it with the Lord, He will repay for you. 

Therefore, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in, do not be anxious, God is on your side and He sees everything and He will act on your behalf. He will protect and defend you always.


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