We are urged to desire the greater gifts

The book 1 Corinthians 12 speaks about the different spiritual gifts that each one of us are gifted with, as the body of Christ. Verse 7-11 shows that whilst some are gifted with the spirit of wisdom, spirit of knowledge, spirit of faith, spirit of healing, spirit of miraculous powers, of prophecy, of tongues, and others are gifted with the spirit of interpretation of tongues. The bible tells us that all these, is the work of one and the same Spirit that distributes them the way He determines. This is not based on our wishes or desires, but it is according to what God has determined to see fit. Ours, is to embrace and put them into good use; afterall, we are part of the same body and each one with their own function to perform.

In the same way, as in verse 27-31, God appoints apostles, prophets, teachers, those performing miracles, healers, those helping with guidance and those with tongues. God encourages us to eagerly desire the greater gifts (verse 31). This shows that whatever you are gifted with, don't sit on it, but eagerly put it into good use and bring healing to people if God has appointed you as such, and doing it with a heart filled with gratitude, remembering that you are enabling the body of Christ to function as desired.


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