Live a life that honours God

 Isaiah 40:6-8 says:

"....All people are like grass, and all their faithfulness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.”

People here are described to be similar to grass and flowers, which are destroyed easily. That they are weak and can dry-up and be wasted away. Verse 7 shows  their vulnerability where it says that the breath of the Lord blows on them and they wither away. Also that as people, we are not here on earth forever, but we can be here one moment and gone the next.

This passage reminds us how precious life is, how important it is to plug in to God. To be present on earth doing His will and working towards the destiny set before us. Failure to do so, could result in us wasting our lives away and have nothing to report back on, when we are called back to our Creator. Verse 8 reminds us that the only sure thing, is God's word. It is life and it endures forever. We can rely and trust it.

May we take each day as a gift, a gift to honour God through the works He has assigned us. By living our lives as we have learned from Jesus, being kind and supportive of others. Also by making use of the gifts and talents that He entrusted us with. Thus, being the salt and light to the world (Matthew 5:13).


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