Seek the kingdom first

 Matthew 6:33 

"Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." 

For a while, God had been highlighting this verse to me, until I started getting worried on what was I missing about it, if God was sending a message to me. I couldn't fully get what it meant until it was unpacked in one of the sermons. That as God's children, we need to seek God's kingdom first, meaning we should be looking for what God's will is in our life, His plan and desires for our lives. That it should be our priority. Then once we put our focus on that, He will give us the rest, the things that we need in  life. As people, we tend to seek first the things that we want and need for our lives, and then try squeeze in what God expect us to do and to be. This however, may result in us putting burdens on ourselves that we shouldn't be carrying, as we might not have the wisdom God has for us, and we might not see what the future holds, when making that decision. Thus, when we do things in reverse, by seeking what He expects of us, He will provide the rest.

A simple example could be a career choice. We may select something that seems appealing, when it might not be in God's plans for us, which may result in us feeling incomplete or with a void further down our career journey; frustrated. However, aligning with His plans, will lead us to a place of rest and joy. 

What's important, is to always invite God into our decisions, big or small. Ask for guidance and then obey. 


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