All things are possible!

 Mark 10:27 

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

ALL things are possible with God. Indeed it is. God has proven to humanity over and over again, that He is able to do all things. Look at all His creation, from mountains, the sea, the sky, the living creatures even human beings. How diverse we all are and quite detailed. I believe there's nothing as complex as a human body, that too, was created by God Himself. How loved we are that God took His time to create humans. The bible in Genesis tells us that God created everything in five days by just a word. He spoke a word and things fell into place. But on the sixth day, He decided to make man with His own hands. Crafted him to perfection, into His own image. Placed all the critical organs, protected and perfected them to it's own function. How wonderful is that! How then can we believe less that some things are too difficult for God? He has the ability to send one word and change everything. 

Sometimes we may doubt, but God wants us to hold on to our faith. They say even when we see the situation not changing, do not lose hope, behind the scene, God is at work. Arranging resources, people and circumstances to bring victory for His honour and glory. 2 Corinthians 5:7 says we walk by faith and not by sight. It is up to us believe and trust even when we don't see a sign of change, in due course, we will reap the reward. 

God bless you. 


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