God tells us before it happens

 John 14:29

I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.

This verse is all about trust. The relationship we have with God, is purely based on faith. We have never seen Him, though we are fully convinced that He lives, as a result of His works in our lives. 

The bible is full of many promises from the Lord, ones we inherited through father Abraham and later Jesus. We are joint heir with Him as the children of the Most High. Thus, when He tells us something, we already know that it shall be. Numbers 23:19 says: "God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?" The answer is NO! What He spoke, shall be. 

What discourages people in most cases, is the timing. God works with order. The bible says to Him, a day is like a 1000 years and vice versa. Which is why at times we lose hope, and start doubting if we heard right, if He's still going to deliver or not. Father Abraham had his fair share where he was promised a son, which took 25 years to fruition! What's encouraging though of his story, is that he truly believed God was going to deliver (even though he made mistakes along the way), but he kept his faith.

This serves as a lesson to us that some of the promises from God, can take a while to materialize. We must not lose hope. What helps in my experience, is the encouraging words that God keeps sending along the way, through His servants, that keeps the faith. 

My wish for you is that you may hold on to the promise God made to you, He hasn't forgotten, He'll never cancel it, all you need is to believe and trust Him. In the end, will be worth the wait!


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