We are righteousness of God through Christ!

 2 Corinthians 5:12 

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

This is so powerful and humbling. On the cross, God put our sin and shame on Jesus, so we may be forgiven and made righteous. That was an act of pure love of God for us; that He would take His beloved Son, who had no sin and let Him be crucified so we may be free from sin and shame. What an honour it is to be a child of God! This shows us that we do not need to be hard with ourselves regarding our weaknesses, we need just call on Him to help us where we are weak. We are not perfect, holy, but through Jesus, we are the righteousness of God. 

Through this, we are forgiven, we are made whole, we are healed, we are saved, we are victorious, we are loved and cared for by the Most High. May this act be a reality in our lives, that we remember how precious we are to Him, how much we are loved. Acknowledging this and appreciating it, is all we can do. We might not have a prize or trophy to show Him how much we appreciate it, but He sees our hearts. Let us show gratitude by walking on His feet. 


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