Aim to finish His work
John 4:34
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.
Jesus was having an encounter with the Samaritan woman, whilst the disciples went to town to get some food. However they were surprised that He wasn't hungry and asking for food. His answer shows us the level of commitment He had for the work that God commissioned Him to do here on earth. So committed that His only focus was getting the work done, at all cost.
Jesus came to show the way, to reveal the heart of the Father and to die for our sins. Everything He did, was intentional and linked to the tasks He was given. He was able to do so much and achieve so much due to having His priorities straight. When you think about it, the 24 hours that we are all given in a day, depends on us on what we do with it, what takes priority and gets done and what doesn't. Unfortunately distractions and lack of vision tends to cripple us, and lead us to spend the precious 24 hours on things that don't really matter, in terms of what we are commissioned to do. Maybe not all hours are wasted, but there could be a sizable amount that gets lost, that could've been impactful. Hence, we need to make it our business, our concern to know what our purpose is, then stick to it; prioritize it as much as we can. Afterall, we will have to account on how we performed and delivered on the assignment we were given.
Let us try and learn from the approach Jesus took, in keeping His eye on the ball and aim to finish His (the Father) work!
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