His word is more precious...

 Psalm 119:72 (NIV)

The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

We need to realize the power of the word of God. The bible tells us that through the word, God commanded everything that we see today, into existence (with exception of humans as He created them through His hands). But everything else, was spoken into existence. How powerful...Furthermore, the bible is the word of the Lord, where those that wrote the bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit, where the Holy Spirit is God, as per the Holy Trinity. When we read the word, we discover many things. We find revelations of who God is, what His thoughts towards us are, His laws, His guidance, comfort, the future and so much more. Through the word, we are equipped on how to face the storms, we get to discover who we truly are and what treasures are hidden in us. 

Which is why this verse indicates that the law from God's mouth, is more precious than silver and gold. It is our treasure. Matthew 6:21 talks about where our heart is, there our hearts will be. If our treasure is on material things, which can rot or be stolen or can even get depleted, our hearts will be as well. Should those things run dry, it means we will be shattered. But if our treasure is on Him, that we don't see with our own eyes, but are certain of His existence, we are assured of the treasure that is in heaven, that can never be stolen nor destroyed. May this verse change our perspective in life and put our treasure where it matters the most.


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