God will breath life to you again

 Ezekiel 37:14

I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD.

These were the words spoken by the Lord when He made similarities of the Israelites with the dry bones in the valley, that had no breath and no life in them. However, God made a promise that He is all powerful and is able to bring them back to life. Which He did through the demonstration of the dry bones coming back to life after He gave them life again. In the same way, God wants to breathe life into our dead areas. God desires for us to live life in full. With no limits, no reservations or fear. To life passionately and living out our purposes.

What good is a talent or gift that God has deposited within us that we are not putting into good use? A gift that is supposed to unlock someone's destiny but it lives buried? It is time we see ourselves as God sees us. We have the potential to become great, to do great because He lives in us! We need to come in agreement with His plans and partner with Him. Surrender our own plans for His own. It is never too late...


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