If God be for us...

 Romans 8:31

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Do you believe that God is for you? I think that is the question we should ask ourselves, do we believe? Jesus said it is done, it is finished. Meaning, everything that the Lord had sent Him to accomplish for us, it is done. If God sent Him to show us that He is for us, then it is done, what remains is for us believing it. Our religion is based on faith, believing in that which we have not seen, believing the word hat is spoke by the Most High and what is. Therefore, if we believe God is for us, then by no means, nothing can be against us, nothing!

God is our protector, He may allow some things that the devil wants to test us with, but rest assured, those things will not proper (Isaiah 54:17). The enemy came to destroy, kill and steal (John 10:10), but God told us already that the enemy's plots and schemes might form but they will not prosper, because He is for us. I would like to urge us to start believing this truth. God has done everything on His side, now we need to bring our part, to fulfill His plans. Let us believe and start seeing Gods hand upon us. Let us come against any doubt or fear, God is on the throne and He is in control. 


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