Say "yes" to the call!

 Isaiah 6:8

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me

God was asking whom He can send for a task at hand and Isaiah accepted the invitation to be sent. I guess throughout the bible, we see God partnering with people on earth to achieve a particular mission, in one way or the other. Some that come to mind include Joseph, David, Mary, Daniel, Gideon, Moses and many others probably not even written about in the bible. I can even think of a few that I could identify to have been called by God, in our generation, for a particular assignment. All these individuals, had different assignments but in the end, God received honour and glory out of their situations, circumstances and assignment. 

Now the question is, are you ready to be sent, to be used  by God for His will and glory? When we read about God, how He created everything in existence, how He loves humanity and willing to sacrifice for them, it makes it an easy answer to say "yes" to the task He might have at hand. It will be an honour to partake and partner with Him, on a mission that will be impactful and bring glory to Him, because He deserves ALL the honour and glory. He is all powerful, all understand, our Provider, our Healer, our Protector, our Peace, our Strength, our Joy. He is everything to us. He is our hiding place. Therefore, in everything, I allow His will to take first priority (though it might be difficult at times, but it is the right thing to do). I pray He reveals to you the task He has for you and that He give you the grace to see it through.


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