Something beautiful will be born out of that pain...

 Isaiah 66:9

 “I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born, says the Lord.”

If you are going through pain now (of any sort) rest assured, it is a down-payment for the joy that will follow. God likens this with the child birth, asking if He can allow someone to go through the pain and not let the child be born? God is a God of mercy, His plans are to allow that process, that will strengthen you, that will build your character, and thereafter, when He deems it enough, joy will follow. Psalm 30:5 tells us that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. This shows that you may go through some difficulty, but it shall pass, joy will come.

What's important during the pain/trouble/the night, is your response to that difficulty, your attitude. Will you allow that difficulty to consume you, make you bitter, angry and to lose faith in God? Or will you allow that difficulty to bring you even closer to God? Meaning, will you run away from God or will you run towards Him to find shelter in Him? The latter is preferred and has benefits, for sure. Remember, God is with you all the time, when you are celebrating on the mountain top, or when you are going through troubles in the valley. He is still with you. Bible stories about Daniel in the lion's den and the three teenagers- Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego, makes us realize that even when we are in that lion's den, God is with us and He will save us. Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise, morning is coming and it brings with it abundance of joy. Just hold on... 


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