The dream eventually came to pass...

 Genesis 43:26

When Joseph came home, they presented to him the gifts they had brought into the house, and they bowed down before him to the ground.

This is a powerful passage, that gives us hope that it might take many years for the promise to come to fulfillment, but eventually it will. This is about Joseph, who had a dream/vision when he was young, that his brothers will bow down before him. He told them about the dream and they were jealous and angry that how dare he says something like that. However, this was no random dream, it was planted by the Lord, where He was showing him who he will become one day. After many years of struggles, going from pit, to prison and eventually to the palace, He was appointed second in command in Egypt. Circumstances forced the same brothers to go look for help in Egypt (due to famine in their land) and of course Joseph was in charge, they ended up bowing down to him, just as he had told them many years ago.

What we can learn from this, is that God may plant a vision, a dream or desire in your heart, that no one else may understand. It may take a while to materialize, but eventually, it will come to pass. Remember Habakkuk 2:3-4 that tells us that the vision is for an appointed time, it shall come to pass when the time is right. Have faith and hold on to what God said or put in your heart. He is in control and His ways are not our ways; His time is different from ours. But He does keep His promise, for sure. 

Stay blessed and live with expectation, today could be the day!


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