Vengeance is not ours...forgive

Romans 12:1 (ESV)

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

The main principle we learn from our Father through Jesus, is forgiveness. If God was able to forgive us our sins (no matter how bad), we can also forgive others. God wants us to forgive and not take revenge for ourselves, where we've been done wrong. God wants us to be free, not hog bad emotions within us, which could lead to hatred, love and hatred cannot co-exist. Hence we need to let it go and hand it over to God. Matthew 5:44 says love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. When you do so, God will take over and fight for you where He sees fit. He says vengeance is His, He is the one to get revenge on your behalf.

This means, those who persecute you, will be dealt with by God, as He sees fit. For you, is to forgive and release them, pray for them as well. It is a difficult thing to do, which is why you need to ask God to give you His grace to forgive them and let it go. In our own strength, we could not do it. I pray you realize that God give you a different perspective to what you might've gone through, in the hands of your enemies, if God allowed it to happen to you, it means there's something good that God wanted you to experience through that hardship. He teaches us, empowers us, develops our characters through hardship. Which is why it is good that you forgive them (for they do not know what they do)...


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