Do not accept bribe, God said...

Exodus 23:8

Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the innocent.

Our society has made certain things normal and acceptable, when according to God, they are not acceptable. We are instructed not to accept bride, for it messes up other people's lives. This is evident with so many areas in public and private sector nowadays. Things happen behind closed doors but the impact thereof, is evident in the poor state of our economy, infrastructure, people. Have we turned out to be a state that turns its back from God? Have we designed our own rules? Have we found other "gods" to worship? 

The phrase of gods is said to be anything and everything that takes away your focus from God; this could be something that you get obsessed with, live for and are willing to die for. Anything that you pay your utmost attention to. Isaiah 57 describes some of the acts that are wicked and that displease God. 

One thing for sure, God is watching, He sees everything. Everything we do, He is witness to. Which is why even when you are doing good, He sees that and He is the rewarded. Hence, He encourages us to do everything as though we are doing it for Him, not for human masters (Colossian 3:23). Accepting a bribe is equivalent to taking matters into our hands, when He promised to orchestrate things in our regard. Do the right thing and wait upon the Lord, He will reward you. When He does, you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labour with a clear conscious.



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