Fear of the Lord is the foundation...
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Fear in this passage is used in a context of acknowledging, recognizing, honouring, respecting God. Basically the realization that there is no one above Him- that is the beginning of all wisdom. Recognizing that He is the Source of ALL things. Because thinking that there could possibly be someone else or something else that is more powerful or mightier than God, would be foolish, that would lead to doomsday.
When you check the 10 commandments that God gave Moses for His people (Exodus 20), He emphasizes that as people, we shall not have any other god other than Him. This showing that we must not fool ourselves that we can create our own little god, with Him not seeing. This is evident when the Children of Israel were in the wilderness and they started going astray and made their own god, God was very angry with them. This shows that God doesn't share glory with anything or anyone else.
I pray He remains your center, in every area of your life, because without Him, we are nothing. He is the Source of all life! Give Him the position He deserves in your life and Jesus will remember you. Jesus said no one goes through to our Father except through Him- John 14:6; He is the way, truth and life. Receive Him and have life eternity.
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