God keeps His promises, do you know them?

 2 Corinthians 1:20

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.

This is wonderful. God has displayed His character in the bible as someone who keeps His word. From the old testament all the way to the new testament, we see God keeping His promises. Isaiah 55:11 says: "so is My word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Thus, what God has promised, will come to pass.

Take Abraham for example. He was old and never had any children of His own. He loved and feared God, quite obedient to God. Now God made a promise to Him, that he will have children. God even changed his name from Abram to Abraham that means "Father of many nations", just as a covenant with him and for it to be reminder to him, whenever everyone calls him. The promise took long to materialize, but after many years, Abraham had a son and he named him Isaac. This was unheard of, that at that age, him and his wife Sarah could still have children, but God did it. Amazing! What matters here, is that God kept His promise and made a way, where there seems to be no way.
We are told that we should not limit God, God's rules are outside the earthly rules; He's not limited by the economy, the policies, the people, the government, no! He's above all things and He is able to turn things around.

Now, as I asked my kids ministry class this morning, would you rather know about the inheritance that you have, that you start being excited about it, expect it and come in agreement to receive it or would you rather not know about it, such that it might even pass you by, as you were not aware you had such inheritance? I'm certain we would all like to know, so that we can claim it. That is the same with God, He has so many promises for us, that are recorded in the bible; however if we don't engage the bible, bring ourselves closer to God so that He can reveal them to us, we wouldn't know and we would miss them. My plea with you is to get closer to God, saturate yourself in His word and He will reveal His promises to you and you can claim them for yourself. They will come to pass.


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