His word is our light

 Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

God's word is our guide and a light to shine for us, so that we may not stumble and fall. Just as we need light in our everyday lives to do everything safely and easily, we also need God's word to shine and clear our path. Walking in the dark can be risky, painful and a process that can lead to delays. However, when we have the light, we clearly see where to go, where to turn and we get to see how the path looks. It is the same with the word of God, it is there to guide us.

Growing up, I always thought the bible was a book with stories from long ago, on God and the people He had a relationship with. However, as I became a frequent consumer and also getting an understanding from the preachers of gospel, I'm beginning to realize that the bible is my guide. Everything I need, is found in the bible. This I've had the pleasure of experiencing, where I would wonder about something, then God would lead me to that exact bible verse. I once wondered about what a pastor said about reaching the age of 70, that according to the word, if you past that age, those are extra years that God is giving you. I was amazed to have been led to this verse that clarified it for me. Also it is a book that has living instructions, where God provides a revelation of who He is, what He says about us and what He expects of us. His plans for us and so much more. Also, the understanding of why we have these bible stories, that they are a teaching tool for us, revealing that- what God was able to do for them, He can also do it for us.

May we never be intimidated by how big the bible is, but allow God to lead us to the scriptures where He has a word for us on. Let Him lead you.


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