The entire law in one command!

 Galatians 5:14

 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

People struggled to keep the 10 commandments, in the old testament. Now when Jesus came and redeemed us, He told us a simplified version of those laws. Remember, post Christ, the emphasis is no longer on the law but on the grace of God for man; how much He loves us that He sent His one and only Son for our regard. Thus, the law that was given to and written by Moses, is summed up in this command that we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Neighbors refers to everyone around us. When you think about it, if you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you wouldn't kill them, steal from them, wish for their stuff etc. This shows that all those commandments are covered by just loving your neighbor.

Pay attention that, this verse doesn't say love only those that are nice to you, or kind to you or your favorites only, but it refers to all. Hence, this may be a difficult one to do, in our own strength. Which is why we need God to help us love everyone, regardless of how they are or how they look. This is possible with the Holy Sprit who lives in us, guiding us and showing us the way. Today we celebrate Pentecost, where we remember when the believers received the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended back to our Father, as He foretold them. I believe the same gift is available to all of us, we just need to invite and receive Him. He is near and waiting on us to open our hearts.



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