You are the LIGHT to the world!
Matthew 5:14-15
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.."
This is a profound message, that we need to be aware of and take seriously. As Jesus was about to ascend back to our Father, He told His disciples that He will not leave them alone, but the Holy Spirit will come upon them; a Helper, Comforter and Guide. Meaning, as the disciples of God, when we accepted Christ in our lives, we became a new creation and the Holy Spirit dwell within us. This is how God is able to shine His light in and through us. Which is why, we are called the light to the world.
Ours is different from the world, as we get the wisdom from the Lord, our paths is lit by the Lord, our steps are guided by the Lord and also the Lord tells us what to say. In this case, we have become the ambassadors for Christ, showing the evidence of His presence through our lives. People are able to see what God is able to do, through our lives. Other people find it difficult to believe without seeing, it is for this reason that the Lord will use His children to get to the lost sheep, in order to bring them to His kingdom and He does this through practical examples, which is you and I. We are told that we are the hands and feet of Jesus; what we say and do, reflects the heart of God. Which is why, the fruits of the Holy Spirit becomes evident in and through us (Galatians 5:22) which includes love, peace, joy, patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are hard to display, but through the Holy Spirit, we find ourselves managing. If there's an area you still struggle with, ask our Helper, the Holy Spirit to help you, so that you may continue being the light to the world! He is there to help!
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