Your deficiencies, are for His glory

 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.

God wants us to be worry free. This, not to be blind to what's happening, but to not let what's happening out there, to get to us. When living the life in Christ, you see things with a different perspective, no matter what the storm, you tend to fall back on what God said first. God said, no weapon formed against you that shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). This means, in your life, along the way, there will be weapons that gets formed to kill you, destroy you or to steal from you (by the enemy, as per John 10:10); however, the promise from God is that, that weapon that has been formed, will not prosper in destructing or killing you. This makes a difference, as you are reassured that God is in control, He will come through for you.

The second thing that God says is that all things will work together for your good (Romans 8:28). Meaning no matter what you have come against, God will turn it around to be an advantage in your situation and He will get the glory out of it. There's a bible story where the disciples asked Jesus about a man that was born blind, if that was an indication of the man's parents sinned or if the man sinned. But Jesus answered them and told them that it actually was neither the parents nor the man who sinned, in fact this happened so the work of God might be displayed in His life (John 9:1-3).

Same with us, there might be deficiencies we were born with, or circumstances we were born under, that we wish were different. But God says it's ok. That was meant to be so your Father may be glorified, when deliverance comes through for you. I believe that. Do you?



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