Follow Him, not the crowd...

 John 10:27-28

My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.

Are you part of Jesus flock? Time for reflection...Jesus says, His sheep knows His voice and they follow Him. Do you follow the crowd or do you find yourself one against many? The gate to heaven is narrow, as it is the difficult one. I have seen this for myself that following Jesus can be hard, it calls for hard choices in life, but when you remember that He is the way, He is the truth and He is the life, you then pick up your cross and follow Him. I like what the second part of this verse says, it says they never perish (those that follow Jesus). That is very true. You can go through persecutions, difficulties, struggles but you will come out clean and smelling fresh; not smelling like fire that you would've come out from. In fact, the fire will be there but it will not consume you. Like God says, He prepares us by refining us in the fire and through pressure (Isaiah 48:10). Instead, you come out with wisdom, humility and blessings. God rewards perseverance, the never giving up spirit. The spirit of selflessness. 

Lastly, this verse reminds us that we are protected, secured in Him. No one can snatch us from the palm of His hands. He holds us with His right, strong hand (Isaiah 41:10), therefore we shall not fear. In all this, we will make it, we will not perish, we will be taken care of because He first loved us.  I urge you to consider being one of His sheep (if you are not already); life is better in His kingdom, you are never alone, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He is your guide and once you spend enough time with Him, you'll be able to recognize His voice. The whispers of the devil will not disturb you as you will know for sure, who's speaking. Call on Him and join the kingdom of light. The world needs you...


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