Never stop matter what!

 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Never stop praying.

Prayer is our communication channel, with God. We get to interact with Him, through prayer. We bring all petitions to Him, we bring thanks and come in agreement with Him, through prayer. It is part of our lives, more like a lifestyle. We stay in conversation with Him to get guidance, where we are not sure. Life is full of choices and to get the best counsel, we need to check with Him.

Take Daniel for instance, in the book of Daniel in the bible. His life was put in danger simply because of his faith in God, His belief system and His routine. Regardless of a decree by the king, for everyone to worship only him (after he was advised by men that were jealous of Daniel), Daniel continued with what he knew best- prayed 3 times a day. He prayed without ceasing, and that got him into trouble and was thrown into the lion's den. However, because God knew his heart, He knew Daniel was innocent and in fact, Daniel showed good character and proved his faith and love for God; God protected him. This proves to show that God sees everything and all He expects of us, is to continue doing the right thing, even when the wrong thing is happening in us and around us. He will do what He promised to do, to be with us in that difficulty (like He was with Daniel in the den) and He will deliver us, just like He delivered Daniel from the lions. 

Some of the lessons from Daniel is the frequency of praying. There's no right or wrong in how many times, but what's important is to show God you have not forgotten Him, you acknowledge Him in your day and activities, that you give Him your attention, no matter how crazy your day may be. He sees your efforts and He will come through for you. Use the tool/weapon that God has given you, to converse with God, bring your worries to Him, to destroy the plots of the enemy, to change your situation and so much more. He is your Father! And He cares...



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