Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow me...

 Psalm 23:6

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

We might be born in Christians homes, and assume that, by that, we are saved. No, the bible is clear that in order for us to enter the kingdom of God, we need to be born again (John 3:3). We need to confess with our mouths and be born again. Basically, we need to make that decision ourselves and build that relationship with God. What our parents and grandparents might have done (which is good), but does not count as a way to enter the kingdom of God, if it doesn't include us making that decision for ourselves. We need to experience Christ for ourselves.

Once we do, there won't be any doubt in our minds that His goodness and mercy is upon us, that He loves us and that He is with us and for us. "Surely" is basically confirming without having any hesitation. Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow me all my days. Now the question stands, do you believe? 

I pray you allow the Lord to dwell in your house for the rest of your life. That your trust will remain in Him and Him alone. Open your heart and call Him to live in you. Be secured, build your life on the rock, a firm foundation.


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