The same power resides in you...

 Acts 10:38

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

All the miracles that Jesus performed, He was able to, as a result that God was with Him. The Holy Spirit lived in Him and powered Him to do the amazing things. this is the same Holy Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead after 3 days of crucifixtion! That was powerful. This verse tells us that the same power is the one that enabled Jesus to heal the sick, do good and bring relief to the oppressed and illtreated. Remember when Jesus was given 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed the multitudes, Jesus didn't doubt that it was possible to feed them from such little food, but He believed the power of God could do exceedingly and above all that we can think and imagine. He broke the bread and look to God to do only that which He can do. And that's exactly what happened. More than 5000 people were fed and there  were left overs. Amazing!

One of the things we can learn from Jesus, is the faith that He has. He strongly believed (without any doubt) that His Father was at work in Him, that He can achieve ALL things, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is evident with the confidence that He displayed. For example, He cursed a fig tree and went on about with His business, without going back to check if what He said about it actually materialized or not. When He spoke it, He knew it shall be. That's the kind of faith God wants us to have! To believe that He is with us and for us, that through the Holy Spirit, we are powerful. That we can achieve anything that He has sent us to do. Without second-guessing Him. By knowing and accepting that we can not in our own strength do it, but by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us, we can move mountains. 

I'm calling on you today, to take a moment and realize that God can do anything through you, only if you allow Him and believe in Him. Surrender your life, thoughts, beliefs, doubts and fears to Him, and agree to give Him full control of your life. That He may achieve His plans through you. I believe and declare, you'll be able to heal the sick, and perform miracles, all for His glory.  


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