Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you...

 Galatians 5:25

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

When we became born again, we were gifted with the Holy Spirit, as our guide, helper, comforter and much more. We are then urged to allow the Holy Spirit to lead every aspect of our lives, where we give God the full control of our lives, so that He may direct it according to His plan. This I must say is not easy, as we are used to making decisions on our own as we go and as we see fit. But allowing God to take charge, means you agree to things that you would normally not agree with.

I'll make an example about myself. Time came where I could see my career was not going anywhere and there wasn't growth. Even after efforts of self development etc. That's when I checked in with God and He guided me to a career opportunity that was less than what the one I was at. However, before this happened, God promised to be my provider and led me to see that I must not see the employer as the source, as God Himself is the source, who uses different resources to bless and meet our needs. All He asked of me, was that I must trust Him. My faith was being tested. So prior to me getting this job opportunity, I was already expecting something below than the offer from that employer. Hence, when it happened, I knew I had to take the position, as God was aligning me with His plans. There were rough patches, but I must say, God met my needs as He promised. Also, it might not have made sense why I needed to take that position, but almost close to a year now, it is only starting to make sense. Which is an eye opener for me, as this means trusting God even when you don't understand, you will get it at some point but the most critical thing is being obedient at that time. 

I've recently gotten an explanation on why I went through the rough patch that I did, where I even had to let go of the car I liked a lot. Bishop TD Jakes explained it nicely one time where he said, in the same way that Jesus took the bread, broke it, blessed it through prayer and gave it to the disciples to distribute to everyone (the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fish); God does the same thing with us. He takes us, break us, bless us and then give us to the world. So the breaking part, is when God takes away some things you might have accumulated in your own strength, that you might be putting some value to. For me, I lost a couple of things, including the car I liked a lot, some friends, money (hand to mouth situation) etc. When He's doing this, He's equipping us and empowering us, fine-tuning our characters where our patience, resilience, faith and total reliance (to name a few), are built. That was the case for me. Once you are now totally dependent on Him, He then blesses you and send you on an assignment to do His will. 

So, take heart when you are going through the breaking process, that's not the end of your life, it is just a chapter where God is equipping and preparing you. Similar to the Israelites, after they left Egypt, they were in the wilderness, where they had no control whatsoever, but to allow God to take charge and provide for them. And He did! I am confident that He will do the same for you. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you; allow the process.



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