Allow the miracle of God to flow through you!
Matthew 14:17
“We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
These were the disciples of Jesus, as they had a big crowd and they had suggested to Jesus to send them away as they didn't have food for them. However, Jesus stopped them and asked what they had. There was a boy who had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. This is where the miracle happened.
In the natural, there's no way 5 loaves could feed over 5 000 people; however, Jesus realized that God is a God of miracles, He is a way maker and that nothing is impossible for Him. Which is why He didn't dismiss it as not enough, but He took the bread, looked up to heaven and prayed, and then broke it and gave it to the disciples to dish out. The bible tells us that everyone had enough and they had 12 baskets full of left over, one for each disciple. Amazing! This proved to the disciples that God can do ALL things, that He can feed multitudes over such little food, AND give them a basket to take home too!
This is true for us as well, we may dismiss a situation, that looks dire in our eyes, only to find that God wants to use that problem for His honour and glory, where you'll be blessed in the process. Which is why we have to take every obstacle, challenge or storm to Him. Ask Him to intervene and give Him the right of way to do so. Let the problem go, and surrender it into His capable hands. This is when God is able to show miracles. I can confirm from my own experiences, that the moment I hold on tight to a problem, trying to solve it, I hurt myself in the process and I make things worse. But the moment I surrender it to Him, that's when God steps in and bring victory in my situation.
Let us trust Him, He loves us and He wants to play a Fatherly role in our daily lives, not only on big problems, but small problems too. Nothing is too small for Him, if it worries you, then it is of concern to God. Don't limit Him, hand over all to Him, He cares for you! (Psalm 55:22; Matthew 11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:7).
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