Believe and receive the word for yourself!
Psalm 103:3
He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
There are many things I've learnt about God, His word and what He expects of us (and still learning). One thing that has been a game changer for me, about our faith, is to receive what the bible tells me, the promises of the Lord. The bible is a big book, which has different stories of people of faith and how they overcame many things through the power of God. Also many stories about Jesus and His miracles. I used to think that we read these stories and leave it at that. However, I've learnt that we need to receive these promises for ourselves, to internalize and believe what the word says. This, regardless of to whom were these words said to, but what's important is that I'm also included in that as a child of God, I'm also included in that which God said. For example, where in the bible God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9), I receive the word for myself. That God is also telling me to be strong and courageous. Where Jesus told Peter to walk on water (Matthew 14:22-33), I also receive that word for myself that God wants me to walk on water. This obviously would mean different things for different people, as per our circumstances. If God is giving me a position that I feel underqualified for, but He says I must step-up, that's Him asking me to walk on water. I believe this is the power of the Holy Spirit that interprets the word for us, and dissect it for us as per our different circumstances. How great is our God?
Therefore, I believe the word for today, that God is declaring that all of my sins are forgiven and all my diseases are healed! Pay attention that, it doesn't say, certain diseases are healed, and the chronic ones are not. No! It says all diseases are healed, thus including all sorts of sicknesses that our bodies can endure, they are all healed! Jesus already endured the cross, His body slashed and wounded (Isaiah 53:3-5), therefore, the healing is a guarantee. All that remains is for us to believe and receive! Do not limit God, God is all powerful and nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 18:27). So please believe and receive healing and forgiveness for yourself, it is done!
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