Discerning what is best, pure and blameless...

 Philippians 1:9-10

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,

It is the will of God for us to have insight and discernment to see good from evil, to identify what is best and pure so that we may pursue that and align our lives with such. Our walks here on earth are linked with the deciding factor for when we pass away from this earth, whether God sees us fit to enter His kingdom or not- when Christ returns. It is something we don't like thinking about, but it is a reality and which is why the bible urges us to stay ready, as we don't know the hour, the day, the minute, nothing.

However, this is not to make us live in fear, but it forces us to recognize what Christ did for us on the cross; to acknowledge it and benefit from it. It is not to be too hard on ourselves, trying to be perfect and live up to some standard. But to recognize that God already said, we are His righteousness through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Christ died for our sins, so that we may have a relationship with God. Hence when God looks at us, He sees us righteous, regardless of our past. With this truth, we put our trust in Him and rely heavily on Him to help us with that which we struggle with. If we struggle to discern what is best and pure, we have the Holy Spirit to ask for help, so that He may help and guide us. If we stick with Christ, then we should take comfort that we do to walk this journey alone and on our own, but we have the Holy Spirit who will continuously guide us and coach us, in order to keep up with the standard of the Lord.



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