He works out ALL things for our good!
Romans 8:28 (NIV)
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Indeed God works ALL things for our good, no matter the circumstance. I've seen this in many situations and I just had one today, wow, God is great. God is able to come through in your distress, in a situation that could seem impossible to resolve, where you run out of ideas and you just surrender, that's when God comes through and sort it out. He did this so fast and so clean, I was so amazed! Problem A and B resolved. He even defends us in the process, where we are not able to speak for ourselves, He comes and straighten a situation! I've been reading Psalm 91 (as instructed, for protection and would advise you do the same) and in that passage, in verse 2 it says: "You are my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust." (Good News Translation). Indeed, He defends our case at all times.
Understanding this verse, makes it easier to handle life circumstances. Just today, I accidentally scratched my car at the garage and was very upset with myself and it was a small mistake, but then I got a revelation that this mark, is going to be a reminder for me of the attacks I've been experiencing from the devil as a result of the promises from the Lord. Perhaps it is not a bad thing but a reminder that God is my protector, no matter the situation; God comes through and protects as declared in Psalm 91. The enemy might have meant it for bad, but I'm allowing this to be one of those that will work in my favour!
Therefore, if you love Him, know that He will work all things out for your good. All good, the ugly, horrible, He will turn them for your good. He is a God of the impossible. Be encouraged.
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