His reward includes riches, honour and life!

 Proverbs 22:4

The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life. Pride goes before destruction.

God shows us in this verse that there's a reward in being humble and fearing Him. Fearing Him is not in the context of fear-punishment, but fear as in like respect and acknowledgement. If we acknowledge who He is and what He has done, without taking any credit or glory for ourselves, that is showing respect to Him. Therefore, if we do show respect and put Him first place, His rewards includes honour, riches and life! Great!

If you humble yourself, He'll be the one to elevate you and give you honour, in due season. Also, Matthew 6:33 says we must seek His kingdom first and all shall be added unto us. This means we don't go looking for riches as this might lead to the love of money and treasure in the wrong places, but that we seek Him, and when we do that, He will reward us with riches! Isn't that nice! These are the riches that are added unto you, without you having had to go sell your soul to get them. 
The other reward is life! Without life, we can do nothing. So if we are rewarded with life, we get to pursue the dreams God placed in our hearts and we get to be fruitful as He commanded us to be. That's true reward and something to look forward to. Strive for excellence, strive for a relationship with Him. He will add all other things unto your life.


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