Show hospitality to strangers, they might be angels...

 Hebrews 13:2

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Love is central to God, it is His character, it is who He is. He says love your neighbors as you love yourself. Not love only the ones you know, or the ones you prefer only, but love all as you love yourself. A tough instruction, but by the Holy Spirit, we are getting there. Remember love is one of the fruits of the Spirit, by the Holy Spirit, you'll be able to love as God has instructed you to. 

This includes strangers too, God expects us to be good to strangers as well, not to be judgmental and having phobia towards them, but to allow the Holy Spirit to exhibit the love of God to them. There's a verse that reminds us that we must not forget for we were once strangers in the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:19 says: "And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt." Thus, we must never forget that also we were mistreated at some point, hence we must be compassionate and remember how that made us feel, so that we don't make others feel that way. But most importantly, we are to treat strangers well, as we might not know if those strangers are the angels God sent to minister or bless us. Imagine! 

Should this be a difficult area for you, take it to the Lord in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you love as God has instructed you to. He is our Helper and we must never condemn ourselves, we are work-in-progress. Not perfect but have found the grace of God, which is why we strive to do better. Stay strong!


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