The world is waiting on you...

 Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

We are not some cheap material objects or things, but masterpieces, crafted by God Himself! The bible tells us that God created everything in 6 days, He spoke a word and everything came to being. However, on the sixth day, God created man with His own hands. He took His time to create that which resembled Him. He paid attention to detail, crafted to perfection. Then who can call you otherwise, other than the masterpiece that God calls you to be? I pray God reveals to you your true identity, not what the world has defined you as but the way God has created you to be, a masterpiece from His very image!

Through Adam, we  have fallen into sin, we are told that we were born into sin. However, through God's amazing love for us, He redeemed us by sending His one and only Son, to die for us, in order for our status can change forever. We are forgiven, redeemed, loved, treasured, highly favoured! Through Christ, God sees no blemishes in us, it is now up to us, to accept this gift and be redeemed. Once redeemed, start seeing yourself the correct way! The sooner you do that, the sooner you align with God's plan and for God to start using you to do great things with Him, for His glory. He has already prepared this for you, He's just waiting on you. Say "YES" to His call and His assignment and do your part. The world is waiting on you!!!


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