You shall not labour in vain!
Isaiah 65:23
They will not labour in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.
These are some of the promises of the Lord. That as a child of God, you shall not labour in vain; meaning what you do, will bear fruits. It is our birthright as commanded by God in the book of Genesis that we must go and be fruitful. Everything we do, in one way or the other, is impactful. It has the ability to bring about change, victory, healing and more. Which is why, even our words should be used wisely. The bible tells us that the power of death and life is in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Therefore, decide to speak life, to be a blessing and to make someone's life better (not worse).
Furthermore, God promises that our descendants will not be doomed to misfortune, which is awesome! We want a better life for those that come after us, hence, the promise of the Lord doesn't end with us, but stretches to the generations after us. It will be a brilliant legacy to leave for those that are coming after, to have the favour of God in their lives as a result of your obedience. Hence, you choosing Christ, you are not only making the correct decision for yourself only but for the generations to come after you. The opposite is true. When you read the bible, where it speaks of the curse, it goes up to three or four generations, imagine! Which is why the choice is ours, life or death, blessings or curses and that is applicable to the generations after you.
It is an honour to be called children of God, it's even better to be a peopled blessed by the Lord. Receive it and claim it for yourself. God longs to have a relationship with you. Allow Him!
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