Ask, seek...

 Luke 11:9-10

And I tell youaskand it will be given to youseekand you will findknockand it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receivesand the one who seeks findsand to the one who knocks it will be opened.

Sometimes the blessing or an answer/solution is already available, it is waiting for us to just ask. God already said ask and it shall be given to you, knock and the door shall open for you; seek and you shall find. One of the most important principle of God, is to seek. Matthew 6:33 that says seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. "These things" refers to our needs here on earth, God says that will be taken care of, only if you seek His kingdom. This bothered me for many years on what it means but I'm finding the solution or explanation. This means, seek for God's will, what He wants to achieve in and through our lives. We have our own will, which consists of things that we want and want to achieve; however, what matters the most, is the will of God, on what does He want to achieve through your lives. 

God wants to do great things with us, it's just that we tend to be too busy chasing dreams, status, titles, money etc. that we miss the most important aspect- to seek His will. Once we know His will, God also transforms us and changes our taste in life, so much so that our desires, will align with His will. In the end, as you strive towards those desires, you are actually achieving His will at the same time. Amazing! In addition, as you do that, God meets all your needs in the process and then it ends up being a win-win situation. He is a gracious Father, a Father with a plan, that includes you. For you, is to be curious of what your role is and keep seeking His kingdom.



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