Declare and believe!

 Romans 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

This is one of the most important acts, in our belief system. Jesus spoke about being born again and this is precisely it; where you declare with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord! You don't believe because you have seen, it is by faith. One may ask, how do you know? By believing the word of God. Whatever is written in the bible, it is the word of God. Thus, believing in Him, what it takes to enter the kingdom of God. As we do this, God sees what's in our heart and He sees our motives and that's when He comes in to dwell in our hearts and help us build our lives with Him.

As the word says that it depends where the seeds have fallen, whether on thorny places where the word may be choked by people around you who might make a fool of you for the decision you have made, so much so that you start doubting what God said, or will the seed fall on dry ground that will be burnt off by the environment that you are in, or will it fall on good soil, where it will be nurtured to grow and flourish to a full relationship with the Most High God? I pray the later is true, as the kingdom needs you. Pay attention to the environment that you find yourself in, as the company you keep may break or make you. Which is why we go to church, to be with like-minded people that will teach and help grow our faith. Also as the bible tells us that Jesus loves church; He is the head and the church is the body. However, the main thing is to strive to build a relationship with God, by reading the word of God, praying, worshipping. That draws you nearer to God.

If you haven't done so before, I would like urge you to take time and invite the Lord to be your Lord and Saviour. He waits for us...


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