Be the light!

 John 1:5

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.

The only think that can get rid of darkness is the light. When light is brought in, darkness has no power but to obey and disappear. Just like in the book of Genesis, in the beginning, when God pronounced that let there be light, and there was, darkness was dispelled. Truth is, we cannot stay in the dark, it is too dangerous and life comes to a standstill. Which is why light is needed. 

Now the bible in the book of  Matthew 5:13-16, we are told that we are salt and light of the earth. Meaning, God has put His light in you so that wherever you may be, you may shine His light so that people don't find themselves in the darkness. Which is why God wants you to be you, not to hide who you are and pretend to be someone else. The way He designed you, is the way He needs you to be and be His light to His children. This light can be displayed through your words (positive and encouraging), your acts, your victories, the way you use your gifts and talents and so much more. These bring light and hope to those that are still in the dark. Our lives are used to bring honour and glory to God, in order for more people to be directed to Him, to find salvation for themselves.

So, don't force anything, just be you. God takes care of the rest and He shows His presence through you in His way and timing. But be intentional to be constructive, bring hope and be encouraging (instead of the opposite). Already a lot of people have lost hope as a result of the acts of the devil, hence the world needs more positivity and most definitely, light!


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