Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove...

 Matthew 10:16

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Another version of this verse says, be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove... Jesus was warning us, that in this world, we ought to be on the lookout. In as much as we want to see good only, there is bad as well. That we should realize that not all are sheep but there maybe some wolves as well, dressed as sheep, that will have to be treated in a particular way. This needing wisdom and discernment from the Lord. On our own, we may not see what this verse refers to, but worry not, we have the Holy Spirit that knows and sees all, and as our helper, we will be given that revelation. 

Also, noting that we should remain innocent and gentle as a dove. This doesn't mean that if you are surrounded by wolves, then you much change and be like them. God made you unique and special in your own way for His will and purposes. Hence, you still need to remain the gentle and innocent self you, just wise and able to discern who is who.

When we look at the life Jesus lived, He never spent too much time with the converted, the people that have seen the light, infact He used to be blamed for associating with the sinners. This He explained by saying, people that are healthy do not need a doctor, only those that are sick. Hence, He used to spend time with them, showing them the way. However, in so doing, He wasn't doing this blindly, He was wise in everything He did- which is why The Pharisees used to try and catch-Him all the time, but He would out-smart them always. Therefore, this means, in our walk of life, we will meet the Pharisees, we just need to be smart in how we handle them, not dealing with them blindly. This, we have the Holy Spirit to assist us with...



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