Discipline produces harvest

 Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Being disciplined, either by somebody or through self-discipline, is hard, as it requires sacrifice of some sort. For example, sports players, a lot goes into a winning team which involved a lot of discipline that included things like a lot of training, sacrificing some favourite food etc. That may seem painful at the time, however, the bible reminds us that it may be painful at a time but later, it will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace. You will benefit out of that discipline. 

It is the same with doing something proper or taking shortcuts. These shortcuts could seem like a good idea, but in turn may yield rework, loss of time undoing or fixing mistakes or issues that have risen. Whereas taking a proper action, which may seem like a longer route, will yield good results. In this case, it is up to us to allow God to rule and reign in our lives, lean in to His word and guidance. The bible says His word is like a lamp to my feet and light unto my path (Psalm 119:105); if you follow the guidance from His word, it may seem painful and unpleasant, but there are rewards in the end. May the Holy Spirit be our guide, and may we also allow that discipline, in order to be on the right path.


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