God is everything...

 Psalm 28:7

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.

The Lord is our everything. He provides that which we need. He is our strength, our covering, a hiding place, a sure foundation and a place to source help from; and so much more. In this psalm, David says with full confidence that he can trust Him, based on the power and might, that he witnessed in his life. 

Can you trust God? The answer is based on what you have been through, which could be evidence of what He has done for you before. However, testimonies of other people, does strengthen our faith and trust as well. Where people had no where to run to, but God. Him rescuing them and bringing victory, strengthens our trust in Him as well.

In the bible, God repeats the phrase of not being afraid, not having a troubled heart, but a heart filled with joy and praises, a number of times. God wants us stress-free. Which is why He says bring all your cares to Me (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22) and be free. Let your heart be light knowing that the Lord will help you. Basically, God wants us to live a healthy life, with no worries. So, why are you worried when you have a Father in heaven?


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