His unfailing love will never be shaken!

 Isaiah 54:10

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

The Lord will never fail you! His love is too great for you to do that. In fact, that will be against who He is. This is such a reassurance that no matter the circumstances, expected and unexpected, His love is constant and His covenant stands! That counts for something. In fact, it is a game-changer, knowing that you can count on Him!

We also need to know the covenant that He has with us. yesterday I was reminded in the book of Romans that God made a covenant with Abraham, and He promised that those blessings were not just for him, but also with his descendants. Remember, Abraham is our Father by faith, God saw his faith, how he believed in Him and made him blessed many descendants, us included. Thus, learn what those covenant is, don't qualify for blessings and inheritance that you don't claim and miss out. Connect yourself with that covenant and receive what God has for His children. God says His children perish as a result of lack of knowledge, make sure you are not one of them...


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