Destiny helpers from God...

 Ecclesiastes 4:9

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor (NIV)

Another version says two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. God has placed strategic people in our lives to help and bring relief to us, to make life easy. Also He has ordained people in our lives as destiny helpers; those people that will help us succeed in our assignments that God has given us. We need to recognize and acknowledge them, so that they feel appreciated and can continue providing the help that we need. These people can help us get unstuck, where we get frustrated and not knowing how to proceed, they may help us accelerate where we could've been slow in some areas. They are a blessing in our lives.

The opposite is true. There could be people in our lives that serve as stumbling block, where they don't see the value in what we do, and this is simply because they are not given the vision we have. They will not see what you mean. And it is ok. The main thing is for you not to be discouraged by their opinions, the best way is to not engage on that assignment with them. Let God bring the destiny helpers for that assignment to motivate and help you achieve it. Thus, you need to identify who is there to help with a particular assignment and who's not. Don't force either, it will either get you to lose track or get stuck.


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