Nations will be drawn to your light!

 Isaiah 60:3

All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.

God has great plans for your future (Jeremiah 29:11)! He has already said that we are the salt and light to the world, to bring His kingdom on earth (Matthew). Through the light that He shines in and through us, people will be draw to this light, attracted by who God is and what He is all about. Similar to the insects that get drawn to a globe at night that is switched on, that is how it will be. The bible tells us that even kings, people of prominence will be drawn to this light, to see the radiance of God through you.

What we need to remember, is that we may not take the glory for ourselves, as all of that will be as a result of God working in and through us, to be glorified. When God finally prepares the table in the presence of your enemies (Psalm 23), remember who did it for you and acknowledge Him and most importantly thank Him. He loves you and He will prosper you in due season, you will just need to sustain it by remaining humble, remain connected to Him. He will do amazing things through you.



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