We can always count on Him!

 Psalm 130:5

I am counting on the LORD; yes, I am counting on Him. I have put my hope in His word.

When your trust is in the Lord, you are unshakable! Storms may come and shake you up, but you will not be broken. Like a tree, with firm roots, you may be swayed left and right but you will still be standing. It is the same with the storms of life, they may come and pull and push you, but when you are rooted in Christ, those storms will not break you. Like the bible says, the weapons will form but they will not prosper (Isaiah 54:17). I've just been swayed by the storms of life on some areas of my life, which left me with no any other option but to put my trust in the Lord; to completely surrender to Him as the situations were out of my hands. I feel bruised but I am still standing and rejoicing that God came through for me. 

Sometimes victory takes a while to be evident, but we just need to hold on to His word. If He promised you healing, a breakthrough, promotion or something, don't be discouraged when things in the natural seem completely the opposite of what He said. Just confess His word as He said it, not as per what you see in the natural, and in time, things will line-up according to His plan and He will get the glory that He deserves. Remember when you are a child of God, you basically have given Him the right-of-way to use you to show His power. And how best to show His power than to allow situations to be dire and out of control? This will make it clear to others that indeed, the victory you have, is not because of your intelligence or power, but as a result of God's intervention. For His glory and honour, we submit our lives and say: Do it Lord! Kulungile Baba!



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