We have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness!

 Colossians 1:13

For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son

By choosing God, we have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of destruction. We were born sinners, as the bible tells us but we were given an opportunity to make amends with our Father through the blood of Jesus on the cross. The blood has rescued us from the darkness and now we can see the light.

It's like being blind folded, you see nothing until the blind fold is removed, and now you can see the difference, you can see the light, you see where you are going. This through the word of God where we are told that His word is the lamp to our feet and the light for our path (Psalm 119:105). Meaning, the more you soak yourself in His word, is the more your path is illuminating, it is the more you are guided on the steps you are to take. That makes a difference! The opposite, which is the darkness, a lot can happen, you may stumble and fall, get hurt, get stuck as not knowing which way to go etc.

Therefore, enjoy the benefits of the kingdom of Jesus, the  kingdom of light. Your paths will be made straight and you shall not stumble...



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